Says Nigel: “I am pleased to be chosen to represent the voice of the Liberal Democrats in this constituency. The Liberal Democrats believe the best for Britain is to remain in the EU, for our economy and our position of power and influence in the world. However, given the current political difficulties we need a people’s vote in order to see what the people of our United Kingdom still feel. The other key issue for our nation is to begin to tackle head on the inequality in our nation, which is not only about money in people’s pockets, but a range of public services, locally delivered.”
Congratulations Nigel,
An excellent and worthy candidate that represents truly liberal values along with sensible and well considered proposals.
Why don’t you feel it is the right thing to do to deliver on the first referendum?
The did decide what they wanted whether we agree or not. MPs work for the people, so should do what the people voted to do. Or am i not understanding democracy?
It’s not about what you or any body else in parliament believes is the best for the country, it’s about the democratic decision made by the people. “A once in a Lifetime vote” thats why we can’t have another, the people believed the MPs on this.
I look forward to hearing your views on this.
Many thanks Simon Jackson (Beng MIET)
Hi Simon
There are several ways to answer this. First, we (and many others) don’t believe that many who voted in the 2016 referendum really knew and understood what they were voting for, and what the consequences of a vote in favour of leaving would mean. This wasn’t helped by the conspicuous lies propagated by the leave campaign (the ‘Boris Bus’ etc). So we believe a second referendum is the fairest way to ensure that a decision is made in which everyone fully understands the issues. Second, if and when we go into an election, although we will clearly state that we will cancel article 50 if elected, this is more about making it clear that we are pro-remain. The electorate will know that, and if (and I think this is unlikely) we were asked to form a government, people would have voted for us knowing that we would cancel article 50, so it would be a democratic process. However, a more likely scenario is that we would be in a position to support a second referendum, and this would be our preferred option. But at this stage no-one knows what will happen, so we will just have to wait and see.